Arbitrary Unit 2100, noncultural

Site-Wide Dating

Date Range 1 (A.D. 1060–1140)
Chaco-era occupation; includes probable Chacoan great house (Architectural Block 1900), great kiva (Architectural Block 1800), and possibly undetected post-and-adobe structures or structures of single-coursed masonry. Assigned to this component are midden materials in the area of architectural blocks 3200 and 2600. These materials were assigned to this period on the basis of probabilistic pottery-design data. Earth-walled pit structure Structure 903 has been tentatively assigned to this component because it could have been constructed during this span, although it was definitely not abandoned until after A.D. 1100.
Date Range 2 (A.D. 1100–1225)
Architectural blocks 700, 2400, 3300, and dismantled Structure 2607 are inferred to probably have been occupied during this component. Assignment to this component was based on probabilistic pottery-design data, stratigraphic location of traditional pottery types, and architectural style.
Date Range 3 (A.D. 1100–1300)
Architectural blocks 100 and 200 are thought to have been occupied during this component. Assignment to this component is based on stratigraphic location of traditional pottery types, architectural style, and/or probabilistic pottery-design data.
Date Range 4 (A.D. 1150–1300)
Architectural blocks 300, 400, 600, 800, 2000, 3400, the roomblock in Architectural Block 2600, and the roomblock in Architectural Block 3200 are thought to have been occupied during this time. Assignment to this component was based on stratigraphic location of traditional pottery types, architectural style, and probabilistic pottery-design data.
Date Range 5 (A.D. 1180–1260)
Architectural blocks 900 (except for Structure 903), 1000, 1100, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2500 are inferred to have been occupied during this span of time. Assignment to this component was based on stratigraphic location of traditional pottery types, architectural style, probabilistic pottery-design data and, for blocks 1000, 2100, 2200, the evidence that these Pueblo III roomblocks had been largely dismantled (presumably for stone re-use elsewhere in the village).
Date Range 6 (A.D. 1225–1300)
Architectural blocks 3400 (only midden deposits were found in this block) and 1200, the great tower complex, are inferred to have been occupied during this span. Assignment was based on tree-ring dates for Block 1200, and on probabilistic pottery-design data for both blocks.