Arbitrary Unit 102, noncultural
About this Nonstructure
General Location
Arbitrary 102 is located in the central portion of the site.
Specific Location
Arbitrary 102 is located south of Structure 111.
Selection Criteria
Arbitrary 102 is used to define the mechanically disturbed sediment identified in Segment 1, a backhoe trench.
Arbitrary 102 is a mixture of calcium-carbonate, native sediment, charcoal, adobe, and sandstone blocks. This deposit was heavily disturbed by bulldozing.
Not applicable.
Postabandonment Process
After the bulldozing, it is likely that a combination of mechanical-dirt-movement and natural forces (wind and rain) constributed to the postabandonment processes in this study unit.
Dating of Construction
Based on the pottery in Arbitrary 102, it likely dates from the Pueblo II period. But earlier and later wares were identified as well.
Dating of Remodeling
Not applicable.
Dating of Abandonment
Based on the pottery, Arbitrary 102 was no longer used after the Pueblo III period.
Dating of Midden
Not applicable.
Dating of Reuse
Not applicable.
Date Range
1 (A.D. 9001165)
Excavation Details for Excavation Units
In order by excavation unit number.
Excavation Unit
Segment 1 N E.
(17.11m east-west, 1.0m north-south.)
Central portion of the site.
South of Structure 111.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. Segment 1 was used to investigate the post likely location of a kiva, and to assess the degree to which the site had been mechanically disturbed.
Excavation Strategy
Other. A backhoe was used to excavate Segment 1.
Unit Ends at
Bedrock. The backhoe excavated Segment 1 in a full cut, down to bedrock at which point excavation terminated. Excavation terminated at approximately 80.92m below datum.
Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit
Excavation Unit
2-x-2 meter grid unit 787N 2195E.
Central portion of the site.
North of Segment 1 and southeast of Structure 111.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. The 2-x-2-m unit was used to investigate a possible Basketmaker III pit feature.
Excavation Strategy
Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels.
Unit Ends at
Undisturbed native sediment. Excavation terminated at approximately 82.14m below datum.
Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit