Arbitrary Unit 102, noncultural

About this Nonstructure

No Surface
No Masonry

General Location

West-central portion of the site.

Specific Location

Arbitrary 102 overlies Structure 106.

Selection Criteria

A 3-x-1-m unit was used to investigate a pitstructure.


Arbitrary 102 was used to document the post-occupational deposits overlying Structure 106.


Not Applicable

Postabandonment Process

Natural processes (wind and water) contributed to the post-occupational accumulation.

Dating of Construction

Not Applicable

Dating of Remodeling

Not Applicable

Dating of Abandonment

Not Applicable

Dating of Midden

Not Applicable

Dating of Reuse

Not Applicable

Date Range

1 (A.D. 570–670)

Site-Wide Dating

Excavation Details for Excavation Units

In order by excavation unit number.

Excavation Unit



1-x-3 meter grid unit, long axis oriented north-south 1513.75N 1768E.
Central-west portion of the site.
This excavation unit was placed over Structure 106.

Selection Criteria

Judgmental. This 3-x-1-m unit was used to assess the nature of a geophysical anomaly.

Excavation Strategy

Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels. The natural strata were subdivided into 25-cm arbitrary levels.

Unit Ends at

Structure floor. Excavation terminated at Surface-1, the primary use-surface of Structure 106. Excavation terminated at approximately 83.38m below datum.

Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit

Study Unit Type
Study Unit Number
Study Unit Description
Arbitrary Unit
earth-walled pit structure