Nonstructure 112, not further specified

About this Nonstructure

No Surface
No Masonry

General Location

Central portion of the site.

Specific Location

Southeast of Structure 106.

Selection Criteria

1-x-1-m units were used to investigate a midden deposit.


Nonstructure 112 was used to document construction material and secondary refuse, mixed with post-occupational deposits. This mixture is likely the result of historic disturbance.


Not Applicable

Postabandonment Process

Natural processes (wind and water), as well as historic mechanical activities contributed to the post-occupational accumulation.

Dating of Construction

Not applicable.

Dating of Remodeling

Not applicable.

Dating of Abandonment

Based on the pottery, Nonstructure 112 was no longer used after the Basketmaker III period.

Dating of Midden

Secondary refuse and construction material associated with Structure 106.

Dating of Reuse

Not applicable.

Date Range

1 (A.D. 570–670)

Site-Wide Dating

Excavation Details for Excavation Units

In order by excavation unit number.

Excavation Unit



1-x-1 meter grid unit 1510N 1773E.
Near the center of the site.
Located in the northeast portion of what was originally thought to be Nonstructure 105 but what proved upon excavation to be a different study unit (Nonstructure 112). Located roughly 2 m southeast of the pit structure (Structure 106).

Selection Criteria

Random. Fifth 1-x1-m unit selected for excavation in Nonstructure 105. Upon excavation, this unit was assigned a different study unit (Nonstructure 112).

Excavation Strategy

Natural strata.

Unit Ends at

Undisturbed native sediment. Excavation was terminated at approximately 84.68 m. A 15 cm x 15 cm window was dug into the northwest corner of the unit to confirm sterility; the bottom of this window was at an elevation of 84.59 m.

Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit

Study Unit Type
Study Unit Number
Study Unit Description
Arbitrary Unit
not further specified