Arbitrary Unit 905, noncultural
About this Nonstructure
General Location
North-central portion of site.
Specific Location
North-central portion of Architectural Block 900; north of Structures 903 and 904; 577.4N 535.9E.
Selection Criteria
1-x-2-m unit placed to expose the north exterior wall of Structure 909, a masonry surface room associated with Structures 903 and 904 (kivas).
Prehistoric ground surface on which the surface rooms in Architectural Block 900 were constructed.
Not applicable.
Postabandonment Process
Not applicable.
Dating of Construction
Prehistoric ground surface in Architectural Block 900 used for construction starting in the late Pueblo II period, and again in the Early Pueblo III period. This inference is based on the construction dates of Structures 908 and 909 which were built in the Late Pueblo II and Early Pueblo III periods, respectively.
Dating of Remodeling
Not applicable.
Dating of Abandonment
Not applicable.
Dating of Midden
Not applicable.
Dating of Reuse
Not applicable.
Date Range
21 (A.D. 11001180)
Excavation Details for Excavation Units
In order by excavation unit number.
Excavation Unit
1-x-2 meter grid unit 577.4N 535.9E.
North-central portion of the site.
Architectural Block 900; Northwestern portion of Architectural Block 900.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. 1-x-2-m unit judgmentally placed to expose exterior wall masonry.
Excavation Strategy
Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels. Excavated in 10 cm levels.
Unit Ends at
Undisturbed native sediment. Fill continued below wall foundation into earlier deposit.
Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit