Backhoe Trench 127, not further specified

About this Nonstructure

No Surface
No Masonry

General Location

Central portion of site.

Specific Location

West-central portion of Block 100.

Selection Criteria

Backhoe Trench 127 excavated to do the following: (1) to identify the southern edge of Structure 110; (2) to determine if intact midden deposits associated with Structure 110 were present; (3) to determine if the prehistoric road connecting Shields Pueblo to Casa Negra could be detected.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Postabandonment Process

Not applicable.

Dating of Construction

Not applicable.

Dating of Remodeling

Not applicable.

Dating of Abandonment

Not applicable.

Dating of Midden

Not applicable.

Dating of Reuse

Not applicable.

Date Range

14 (A.D. 771–1258)

Site-Wide Dating

Excavation Details for Excavation Units

In order by excavation unit number.

Excavation Unit



North Half
Central portion of site.
West-central portion of Block 100.

Selection Criteria

Judgmental. Backhoe Trench 127 excavated to do the following: (1) to identify the southern edge of Structure 110; (2) to determine if intact midden deposits associated with Structure 110 were present; (3) to determine if the prehistoric road connecting Shields Pueblo

Excavation Strategy

Full cut.

Unit Ends at

Fill continued. Fill continued below Backhoe Trench 127 into Structure 110.

Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit

Study Unit Type
Study Unit Number
Study Unit Description
earth-walled pit structure
Backhoe Trench
not further specified

Excavation Unit



South Half
Central portion of site.
West-central portion of Block 100.

Selection Criteria

Judgmental. Backhoe Trench 127 excavated to do the following: (1) to identify the southern edge of Structure 110; (2) to determine if intact midden deposits associated with Structure 110 were present; (3) to determine if the prehistoric road connecting Shields to Cas

Excavation Strategy

Full cut.

Unit Ends at

Undisturbed native sediment.

Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit

Study Unit Type
Study Unit Number
Study Unit Description
Backhoe Trench
not further specified