Nonstructure 111, extramural surface
About this Nonstructure
General Location
Nonstructure 111 is located in the central portion of the site.
Specific Location
Nonstructure 111 is the deposit into which Structure 108 was dug.
Selection Criteria
Nonstructure 111 defines the use-surface into which Structure 108 was dug.
Nonstructure 111 is the extramural use-surface into which Structure 108 was dug. It is made of undisturbed, pre-occupational, native sediment.
Based on the artifacts, Nonstructure 111 was no longer used after Pueblo II.
Postabandonment Process
The sediment above Nonstructure 111 was deposited by natural processes. Modern plowing activities mixed these deposits, and likely bladed off the upper few centimeters of Nonstructure 111.
Dating of Construction
No artifacts were identifed on the surface of Nonstructure 111, but given that Structure 108 was dug into this deposit, it is reasonable to assume that Nonstructure 111 dates from the Pueblo II.
Dating of Remodeling
Not applicable.
Dating of Abandonment
Based on the artifacts, Nonstructure 111 was no longer used after Pueblo II.
Dating of Midden
Not applicable.
Dating of Reuse
Not applicable.
Date Range
1 (A.D. 10251160)
Excavation Details for Excavation Units
In order by excavation unit number.
Excavation Unit
3-x-2 meter grid unit 889N 2194.25E.
Central portion of the site.
This excavation unit is southeast of Arbitrary 105, and west-northwest of Nonstructure 106.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. This excavation unit was used to investigate the nature of an electrical resistivity anomaly.
Excavation Strategy
Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels. Natural strata were subdivided into 20 cm arbitrary levels. Once the elevation of the floor was determined, excavation terminated 5 cm above the floor, regardless of whether 25 cm in depth had been attained.
Unit Ends at
Structure floor. Excavation terminated at approximately 81.40 meters below datum. The floor of Structure 108, in this excavation unit, had likely eroded away revealing the underlying natural, undisturbed, calicium carbonate deposit.
Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit