Nonstructure 155, extramural surface

About this Nonstructure

Has Surface
No Masonry

General Location

Central portion of site.

Specific Location

East-central portion of Block 100; within Backhoe Trench 116.

Selection Criteria

Exposed in east profile of Backhoe Trench 116; not excavated further; recorded in profile only.


Extramural surface from which three features were excavated. Two of the features (Features 2 and 3) were fire-pits and one (Feature 1) was a pit not further specified.


Nonstructure 155 was abandoned in the Pueblo II period.

Postabandonment Process

Natural sediments accumulated over the surface and features after they were no longer used. The upper portion was disturbed by plowing.

Dating of Construction

This surface, and the feature that was excavated from it, truncated Structure 141. Structure 141 was constructed in the Pueblo I period. Based on pottery data, Structure 141 was abandoned in the Pueblo II period. Therefore, Nonstructure 155 was probably used during the Pueblo II period.

Dating of Remodeling

Unknown; only recorded in profile.

Dating of Abandonment

Nonstructure 155 was abandoned in the Pueblo II period.

Dating of Midden

Unknown; only recorded in profile.

Dating of Reuse

Unknown; only recorded in profile.

Date Range

2 (A.D. 920–1140)

Site-Wide Dating

Excavation Details for Excavation Units

In order by excavation unit number.

Excavation Unit



Whole study unit N E.
Central portion of site.
East-central portion of Block 100; above Structure 141.

Selection Criteria

Judgmental. Backhoe Trench 116 was judgmentally placed to determine if deposits were a result of Colorado Mountain College disturbance or if intact deposits were present. Structure 141 was exposed.

Excavation Strategy

Full cut.

Unit Ends at

Fill continued. Fill continued into Structure 141.

Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit

Study Unit Type
Study Unit Number
Study Unit Description
Backhoe Trench
not further specified
subterranean room
extramural surface
extramural surface