Nonstructure 10.1-N, midden

About this Nonstructure

No Surface
No Masonry

General Location

Upper west side; northwest of and upslope from a tested kiva, Structure 7; west of a suspected kiva and roomblock.

Specific Location

Upper fill of Segment 1 (EU 68); rests above Nonstructure 10.2-N.

Selection Criteria

Part of Nonstructure 10-N testing; see Nonstructure 10-N and associated EU for description and explanation of testing strategy.


Mixed deposit that contains naturally redeposited secondary refuse, wall fall and natural deposits; redeposition is believed to have occurred after occupation; refuse could have originated from the suspected kiva and roomblock immediately to the east and/or structures further north, along the cliff face.


Not applicable.

Postabandonment Process

Deposit disturbed by rodent activity; see Use.

Dating of Midden

Based on pottery data, this refuse was deposited during Pueblo III times.

Date Range

2 (A.D. 1140–1280)

Site-Wide Dating

Groups to Which This Study Unit was Assigned

See The Archaeology of Woods Canyon Pueblo (specifically the chapters on architecture, chronology, and artifacts) for more information on study unit groupings at Woods Canyon Pueblo.

Type ID Description
area 5 Area of upper west side
section UW Upper west side
subperiod 9 Late Pueblo III (A.D. 1225-1280)

Excavation Details for Excavation Units

In order by excavation unit number.

Excavation Unit



Segment 1 N E.
Northwest quadrant of site, approximately seven meters south of the cliff face; northwest of and upslope from a tested kiva, Structure 7.
West of a suspected kiva and roomblock; unit is located in the north half of a depression that was originally believed to be a kiva depression.

Selection Criteria

Initially part of kiva testing program; unit was selected to test a possible kiva in Sampling Stratum 3 (see kiva sampling map for location of sampling stratum).

Excavation Strategy

Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels.

Unit Ends at


Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit

Study Unit Type
Study Unit Number
Study Unit Description