Nonstructure 2.8-N, extramural surface

About this Nonstructure

Has Surface
No Masonry

General Location

Northeast quadrant of site. Within rim complex on canyon rim.

Specific Location

North-northwest of a large tower (Structure 28) and an associated room (Structure 29).

Selection Criteria

Part of Nonstructure 2-N testing; see Nonstructure 2-N and associated EU for description and explanation of testing strategy.


Natural use surface associated with the construction of two walls; walls are part of two structures (a tower, Structure 28, and a room, Structure 29); presence of artifacts and ash on surface indicate surface was used and may be part of a plaza surface.


Artifacts and ash left on surface; probably abandoned as part of the abandonment of the rim complex.

Postabandonment Process

Surface covered by postoccupational wall fall from nearby structures.

Dating of Midden

Not applicable.

Date Range

2 (A.D. 1140–1280)

Site-Wide Dating

Groups to Which This Study Unit was Assigned

See The Archaeology of Woods Canyon Pueblo (specifically the chapters on architecture, chronology, and artifacts) for more information on study unit groupings at Woods Canyon Pueblo.

Type ID Description
area 7 Canyon rim
section R Canyon rim
subperiod 9 Late Pueblo III (A.D. 1225-1280)

Excavation Details for Excavation Units

In order by excavation unit number.

Excavation Unit



Segment 3 N E.
(See plan map)
Northeast corner of pueblo; rim complex.
West half of Nonstructure 2; north/northwest of a large tower (Structure 28-S) and associated rooms (Structure 29-S).

Selection Criteria

Judgmental. Rationale for testing this area was to expose a portion of the tower and look for evidence of a plaza surface; unit was reduced in size once rubble was removed and outline of walls was visible.

Excavation Strategy

Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels.

Unit Ends at

Other. Excavation ended in a deposit comprised of broken pieces of bedrock mixed with naturally deposited sediment.

Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit

Study Unit Type
Study Unit Number
Study Unit Description
extramural surface