Nonstructure 1043, midden
About this Nonstructure
General Location
Northeastern portion of site.
Specific Location
North of Nonstructure 1042; east of Architectural Block 900.
Selection Criteria
Five 1-x-1-m units randomly selected to test midden deposits associated with remote sensing anomalies identified by the electrical resistance survey.
Secondary refuse was deposited by nearby residents during the Late Pueblo II period.
Pottery data indicates that refuse was not deposited after the Late Pueblo II period.
Postabandonment Process
Natural sediments accumulated above the midden deposits.
Dating of Midden
Secondary refuse was deposited in this area during the Late Pueblo II period.
Date Range
6 (A.D. 10601140)
Site-Wide Dating
Excavation Details for Excavation Units
In order by excavation unit number.
Excavation Unit
1-x-1 meter grid unit 579N 574E.
Northeastern portion of the site.
West-central portion of Nonstructure 1043.
Selection Criteria
Random. First 1-x-1-m unit randomly selected for excavation in Nonstructure 1043.
Excavation Strategy
Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels. Excavated in 10 cm levels.
Unit Ends at
Undisturbed native sediment.
Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit
Excavation Unit
1-x-1 meter grid unit 578N 579E.
Northeastern portion of the site.
Central portion of Nonstructure 1043.
Selection Criteria
Random. Second 1-x-1-m unit randomly selected for excavation in Nonstructure 1043.
Excavation Strategy
Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels. Excavated in 10 cm levels.
Unit Ends at
Undisturbed native sediment.
Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit
Excavation Unit
1-x-1 meter grid unit 571N 575E.
Northeastern portion of the site.
South-central portion of Nonstructure 1043.
Selection Criteria
Random. Fourth 1-x-1-m unit randomly selected for excavation in Nonstructure 1043.
Excavation Strategy
Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels. Excavated in 10 cm levels.
Unit Ends at
Undisturbed native sediment.
Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit
Excavation Unit
1-x-1 meter grid unit 585N 579E.
Northeastern portion of the site.
North-central portion of Nonstructure 1043.
Selection Criteria
Random. Third 1-x-1-m unit randomly selected for excavation in Nonstructure 1043.
Excavation Strategy
Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels. Excavated in 10 cm levels.
Unit Ends at
Undisturbed native sediment.
Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit
Excavation Unit
1-x-1 meter grid unit 584N 578E.
Northeastern portion of the site.
Northwestern portion of Nonstructure 1043.
Selection Criteria
Random. Fifth 1-x-1-m unit randomly selected for excavation in Nonstructure 1043.
Excavation Strategy
Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels. Excavated in 10 cm levels.
Unit Ends at
Undisturbed native sediment.
Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit