Nonstructure 189, midden
About this Nonstructure
General Location
West-central portion of site.
Specific Location
Northwestern portion of Architectural Block 100; below Structure 144, Nonstructure 188, and Nonstructure 174; 492.9N 4901E.
Selection Criteria
1-x-2-m unit judgmentally placed to test a masonry surface room, Structure 144.
Nonstructure 189 refuse was deposited in the Early Pueblo III period. Although there was mostly Mancos Black-on-white pottery in the fill, Nonstructure 174, located below Nonstructure 189, dates from the Early Pueblo III period and Structure 9021, located above Nonstructure 189, was constructed in the Early Pueblo III period. It is possible that Nonstructure 189 refuse was intentionally deposited as a construction platform for the foundation of Structure 9021.
Nonstructure 189 refuse was no longer deposited after the Early Pueblo III period. Structure 9021 was constructed above this deposit in the Early Pueblo III period.
Postabandonment Process
Structure 9021 was constructed above this deposit in the Early Pueblo III period.
Dating of Midden
Nonstructure 189 refuse was deposited in the Early Pueblo III period.
Date Range
7 (A.D. 11401225)
Site-Wide Dating
Excavation Details for Excavation Units
In order by excavation unit number.
Excavation Unit
1-x-2 meter grid unit 492.9N 490.1E.
West-central portion of the site.
Northwestern portion of Architectural Block 100.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. 1-x-2-m unit judgmentally placed to test a masonry surface room, Structure 144.
Excavation Strategy
Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels. Excavated in 10 cm levels.
Unit Ends at
Fill continued. Fill continued into Nonstructure 188, Nonstructure 174, Nonstructure 189, Nonstructure 175, Nonstructure 159, Structure 168, and Structure 176.
Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit