Nonstructure 205, midden
About this Nonstructure
General Location
Southeastern portion of site.
Specific Location
Central portion of Architectural Block 200; in Structure 204 roof sediments; 2-x-2-m unit 437N 577E.
Selection Criteria
2-x-2-m unit judgmentally selected to test Structure 204, a pit structure identified as an anomaly during the 2001 electrical resistance survey.
Secondary refuse was deposited into Structure 204 by nearby residents during the Early Pueblo III period.
Pottery data indicates that refuse was not deposited after the Early Pueblo III period.
Postabandonment Process
Nonstructure 205 deposits were mixed in with Structure 204 roof sediments. The midden and roof sediments were covered by natural sediments and Nonstructure 203 midden deposits.
Dating of Midden
Secondary refuse was deposited in Structure 204 during the Early Pueblo III period.
Date Range
7 (A.D. 11401225)
Site-Wide Dating
Excavation Details for Excavation Units
In order by excavation unit number.
Excavation Unit
2-x-2 meter grid unit 437N 577E.
Southeast portion of the site.
North of Nonstructure 201; north-central portion of Architectural Block 200.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. 2-x-2-m unit judgmentally selected to test a possible pit structure identified as an anomaly during the 2001 electrical resistance survey.
Excavation Strategy
Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels. Excavated in 20 cm levels. Encountered secondary refuse Nonstructures 203 and 205 before exposing Structure 204, a masonry lined kiva.
Unit Ends at
Structure floor. Excavation ceased at Structure 204, Surface 2 at approximately 94.00 m.
Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit