Nonstructure 12-N, midden
About this Nonstructure
General Location
North of Structure 408.
Specific Location
Just outside north wall of Structure 408.
Selection Criteria
Was encountered during north-south trenching through Structure 408 (D-shaped enclosure).
Secondary refuse associated with use of Structure 402.
Abandoned when occupation of the village ended as a result of an attack that caused the deaths of many villagers.
Postabandonment Process
Covered by wall fall and naturally deposited sediment.
Dating of Midden
Appears to have been deposited as refuse during the use of Structures 402 and 408.
Date Range
1 (A.D. 12561285)
Site-Wide Dating
Excavation Details for Excavation Units
In order by excavation unit number.
Excavation Unit
Segment 5 N E.
(2 m x 1 m.)
North of butte.
Outside north wall of Structure 408.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. North end of a trench to expose a stratigraphic profile through, and north of, Structure 408.
Excavation Strategy
Natural strata.
Unit Ends at
Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit