Nonstructure 104, midden
About this Nonstructure
General Location
Northwest portion of the site.
Specific Location
This is a 2-x-2-m unit located in the northwest portion of Block 100; approximately 5-m east of Structure 113, a pit room.
Selection Criteria
2-x-2-m unit was placed after an auger confirmed the presence of a possible pit structure detected during an electrical-resistivity survey.
This is secondary refuse deposited over the pit room (Structure 113) upslope from the pithouse (Structure 110).
Nonstructure 104 was no longer used after the pithouses upslope to the west were decommissioned.
Postabandonment Process
Secondary refuse was deposited by natural, post-occupational processes.
Dating of Midden
Basketmaker III (A.D. 600-725).
Date Range
1 (A.D. 640740)
Site-Wide Dating
Excavation Details for Excavation Units
In order by excavation unit number.
Excavation Unit
2-x-2 meter grid unit 1436N 210E.
North-central portion of the site.
Located north of the midden (Nonstructure 101) and approximately 8 m southeast of the slab-lined room in the roomblock (Structure 113).
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. This unit was selected to test the main chamber of a pithouse (Structure 110) based on the augering transects.
Excavation Strategy
Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels. Strata were subdivided into 25-cm levels when applicable.
Unit Ends at
Structure floor. The structure floor was encountered at an elevation of approximately 108.97 m. Fill continued into Features 1, 3, 6, 7, and 8.
Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit