Nonstructure 518, midden
About this Nonstructure
General Location
Block 500, west of drainage; borders southwest end of plaza.
Specific Location
Exact boundaries unknown (not completely defined). Located north of Structures 505 and 506 and east of Structure 511, in the space eventually occupied by Structure 512. Only that portion beneath Structure 512 was excavated, but it is likely that the midden extended farther, at least to the north and east.
Selection Criteria
Used for the disposal of domestic refuse. Midden contains many and varied artifacts, indicating that it is refuse from permanent domestic habitation.
Abandoned as a midden when Structure 512 was constructed on top of it.
Postabandonment Process
Not Applicable
Dating of Midden
This refuse is associated with the occupation of Architectural Block 500, and perhaps with Kiva Suite 501, but alternatively, it could be associated with the unexcavated kiva northeast of this midden. The refuse was deposited before Structure 512 was constructed; field notes indicate that Structures 505, 506, and 511 were constructed before this refuse was deposited.
Date Range
1 (A.D. 12501280)
Site-Wide Dating
Excavation Details for Excavation Units
In order by excavation unit number.