Site Overview

Site Number


History of the Site Name

Other Names

Name Comment
ICR-026 Indian Camp Ranch Archaeological Survey

Site Type

Habitation site

Site Boundary Description

Extent of architectural stone to the north and extent of artifact scatter to the east, west, and south.

Site Size

1.26 acres

Site Composition and Layout

5MT10678 is a late Basketmaker III hamlet site. Identified on the surface are three circular slab lined rooms and collapsed construction stone of other rooms in an east-west roomblock alignment, a smaller concentration of stone on the east central portion of the site, and a dense midden. Excavations by Woods Canyon Archaeological Center and the land owner, Laura Watson, confirmed the extent of the roomblock and exposed the entirety of a sub-rectangular pithouse subdivided with wingwalls.

Cultural Affiliation and Date Range of Occupation

Mesa Verde Ancestral Pueblo; late Basketmaker III period.

General Location

Approximately 5.2 miles west of Cortez, Colorado, south of County Road K.

Ownership, Stewardship

Private Property, Indian Camp Ranch Lot 12, Fred and Laura Watson}

Years of Crow Canyon Excavation

Percent Excavated by Crow Canyon



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