Site Overview

Site Number


History of the Site Name

The site was named by the landowners, Pat and Sarah Hatch, during the 2015 field season for the extreme disturbance at the site and a pair of badgers that produced a brood in a den visible 100 m east of the site. The name was reviewed and approved by the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center Native American Advisory Group.

Other Names

Name Comment
Mound 4 of 5MT2037 Martin 1983, Fetterman and Honeycutt 1991
Site 3 McClellan 1986

Site Type

Habitation site.

Site Boundary Description

The boundaries of the site follow the extent of a sparse lithic and ceramic scatter in association with a midden and a bulldozed rubble mound.

Site Size

.56 acres

Site Composition and Layout

The site is likely a 'Prudden Unit' with roomblock, two kivas, and a midden aligned down a slope from northwest to southeast.

Cultural Affiliation and Date Range of Occupation

The site was occupied during the late Pueblo II to early Pueblo III period (A.D. 1025-1165) based on an AMS date from a floor feature in Masonry Surface Room 111 and the Pueblo II pottery types found across the site.

General Location

Approximately 5 miles west of Cortez, Colorado, south of County Road K.

Ownership, Stewardship

Private Property, Indian Camp Ranch Lot 13, Pat and Sarah Hatch}

Years of Crow Canyon Excavation

2015, 2016

Percent Excavated by Crow Canyon

Approximately 1.7 percent of the site area was excavated.


State of Colorado Archaeological Permits were obtained for each field season (2015-2016) to conduct archaeological research.

Permits Comment
2013-48 State of Colorado Survey and Testing Permit
2015-2 State of Colorado Excavation Permit
2015-3 State of Colorado Survey Permit
2016-4 State of Colorado Excavation Permit