Nonstructure 103, not further specified

About this Structure

General Location

Nonstructure 103 is located in the central portion of the site.

Specific Location

Nonstructure 103 is below Arbitrary 102 and above Structure 108.

Interpretive Type

Not assigned.

Structure Use

Nonstructure 103 is a reddish-brown silty clay with charcoal, calcium carbonate, and adobe flecks. A low density of relatively small sandstone chunks and blocks were observed. Nonstructure 103 is upper construction fill mixed with some secondary deposits, over Structure 108.


Nonstructure 103 was deposited shortly after Structure 108 was decommissioned. This interpretation is based on the fact that there was a lack of laminates and wind/water-borne sediments between the deposits of Structure 108 and Nonstructure 103.


Nonstructure 103 was likely deposited by both natural and cultural forces. Structure 108's collapse created a depression in the ground. Because Nonstructure 103 contained artifacts contemporaneous with those found in Structure 108, it is conceivable that the inhabitants of Structure 108 filled part of the depression with construction deposits and a small amount of secondary refuse. It is also possible that Nonstructure 103 was deposited, in part, by wind/water.

Excavation Details