Kayci Cook Collins became Superintendent of Mesa Verde National Park and Yucca House National Monument in September 2021. This year marks 40 years since she first began working for the National Park Service (NPS), and she is the fourth generation of her family to work for the agency. Her grandfather, Meredith Guillet, was Mesa Verde’s Superintendent from 1966 to 1972, and Kayci enjoyed many childhood visits here. Previously, she has been Superintendent of the Flagstaff Area National Monuments (Walnut Canyon, Wupatki, and Sunset Crater Volcano) in Northern Arizona and El Malpais and El Morro National Monuments in New Mexico. She’s also worked at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Death Valley National Park, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, and several other NPS areas as well as the NPS Headquarters Office in Washington D.C.