Linda Wheelbarger is a professional archaeologist who first came to the Southwest in the summer of 1978 to work on the Dolores Archaeological Program directed by Dr. David Breternitz and Dr. Bill Lipe. She fell in love with the Southwest and moved here in 1979 to build her archaeological career by continuing work at the DAP. Through the early 1980’s, Wheelbarger worked on several large survey projects including Animas-La Plata Reservoir, Rifle-San Juan Powerline, and Vermejo Park for York Canyon Coal Mine while settling permanently in the city of Farmington, NM. After working at Salmon Ruins Division of Conservation Archaeology for several years, Wheelbarger was hired to work for San Juan College in their Cultural Resources Management Program (SJC-CRMP). She became co-director of SJC-CRMP in 1991 with Meredith Matthews and began teaching the college’s field school in 1999 and other archaeology classes in 2005. Although Wheelbarger retired from the contract archaeology segment of her career in 2010, she continues to teach the field school, archaeology internships, and both credit and non-credit classes through the SJC Community Learning Center as well as continuing with public archaeology commitments and conference presentations. The field school has been excavating at the Point Great House Community since 2006.