Educational Resources

Browse our library of Education Products developed from over 40 years of collaborative research

Webinars: The Sacredness of Practicing Ancestral Pueblo Agriculture and Adapting to Modern Changes
What does it mean to be an Indigenous female farmer in this day and age? Individual interpretation and experience varies...
Testimonial Videos: Crow Canyon Archaeological Center
Change the way you see the world at the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center.
Webinars: Why Do We Call Them Kivas?
Kivas are one of the most iconic architectural features of the Pueblo Southwest. Join us as Susan Ryan, Steve Lekson,...
Site Reports: The Northern Chaco Outliers Project: 2020 Annual Report
Annual report summarizing progress on the Northern Chaco Outliers Project during Crow Canyon’s 2020 field season.
Webinars: Cultural Astronomy of the Ancestral Puebloan: Chaco, Hovenweep, Mesa Verde and Wupatki
Based on his primary and literature research, Bryan Bates will share his experiences as a cultural astronomer and weave together...
Webinars: Bedrock Ground Stone Features: Landscape, Social Identity, and Ritual Space on the High Plains of Colorado
Ground stone tool research, particularly those instruments used to process food resources, has moved closer to the foreground of archaeological...
Webinars: K’uuyemugeh as a Center Place
Pueblo people today often refer to their home village as their center place, and this concept is also routinely applied...
Webinars: Updates from the Mesa: The Far View Archaeological Project
One of the largest ancestral Pueblo villages on the Mesa Verde Cuesta, the Far View community, is well known and...
Webinars: Claws of the Jaguar: Representations of Plant Medicine in the Iconography of Formative South America
The Formative Era (~2500 BCE – 250 CE) in the Americas was a time that featured widespread establishment of agriculture...
Webinars: What is Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Why Does it Matter?
What approach should we have when initiating conversations with Indigenous peoples? How can we engage and collaborate with Indigenous peoples...
Webinars: Dismantling a Legacy of Misrepresentation: Critiquing the Past in Order to Improve the Present: Coverage of American Indian Issues and Identity
Too often, journalists fail to offer authentic representations of Native individuals and issues in the news; this presentation will highlight...
Webinars: A Jaunt Through Time: A Cultural Context of SE Utah
This event is brought to you by the Bureau of Land Management, Monticello Field Office and Bears Ears National Monument...

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