Educational Resources

Browse our library of Education Products developed from over 40 years of collaborative research

Webinars: Practicing Place-Based, Experiential Learning in Public Archaeology
If the task of an educator is to help students develop a solid concept of self and an understanding of,...
Occasional Papers: The Duckfoot Site, Volume 1: Descriptive Archaeology
Comprehensive site report for Crow Canyon’s excavations of the Duckfoot Site—one of the most thoroughly documented Pueblo I occupations in...
Webinars: Color in the Ancestral Pueblo Southwest
Color is an important part of peoples' lives; it carries meaning and makes things beautiful, and it communicates ideas and...
Webinars: What All of Us Can Learn from the Old Ones
In this presentation, Dr. Ortman discusses two important movements in archaeology today. The first is the recognition that archaeologists study...
Webinars: Archaeology Education As Redress: Highlighting Archaeology in the Community’s Education Programs
Archaeology programs conducted daily by archaeologists make a difference in how citizens perceive their cultural heritage and science. Through educational...
Webinars: The Salado Phenomenon in the Phoenix Basin: Current Research on Ceramic Composition and Vessel Shapes
Archaeologists working in the US Southwest have been interested in the “Salado phenomenon” for nearly a century. Though early research...
Educational Video Series: Pueblo Voices: Migrations
Pueblo historical perspectives are shaped by their deep cultural heritage, kept alive through oral tradition. Archaeologists' understanding of Pueblo history...
Webinars: Historic Influences in Contemporary Pueblo Pottery
Charles King, author and gallery owner, explores the historic influences in contemporary pueblo pottery. Ever wonder where artists get their...
Webinars: Hopi History at the Homol’ovi Settlement Cluster, Northeastern Arizona
The Homol’ovi Settlement Cluster comprises seven villages arrayed along a 20-mile stretch of the Little Colorado River. These villages were...
Project Interviews: Goodman Point Archaeological Project: Kristin Kuckelman
Kristin Kuckelman, Director of the Goodman Point Archaeological Project, Phase I, discusses Phase I excavations at Goodman Point Pueblo. The...
Project Interviews: Archaeology of Woods Canyon: Native American Perspectives Eighth Grade Lesson Plan
In Woods Canyon Pueblo: Life on the Edge, we asked four Native Americans (three Pueblo Indians and a member of...
Project Interviews: Windows into the Past
America has a rich, deep past that extends back much further than 1492. In this guide for teachers, Crow Canyon...

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