Educational Resources

Browse our library of Education Products developed from over 40 years of collaborative research

Site Reports: Archaeobotanical Analysis: Principles and Methods
An explanation of the types of plant samples collected by Crow Canyon archaeologists and the methods used to process and...
Educational Video Series: Why Is Archaeology Important? Featuring Dr. Donna Glowacki
Archaeologists Donna Glowacki, Tim Kohler, Stefani Crabtree, and Scott Ortman talk about why archaeology is important. Filmed by Chris Simon,...
Webinars: “There’s more at stake than just my love life!”: The Impacts of Tribal Enrollment on Pueblo Women’s Reproductive Decisions
Studies of U.S. tribal enrollment practices have traditionally been the domain of legal scholars and anthropologists who approach these issues...
Webinars: Toward a Science of ArchaeoEcology: Placing Humans into Food Webs with Dr. Stefani Crabtree
Humans have impacted ecosystems worldwide for the past 200,000 years, yet many studies of ecosystems do not include humans, preferring...
Educational Video Series: Partnering with Native Peoples: Changing the Way We Do Archaeology
Mark Varien, executive vice president of the Crow Canyon Research Institute, discusses how partnering with native peoples has changed how...
Webinars: Bears Ears National Monument: Digital Documentation and Virtual Guided Tours
Bears Ears National Monument is home to rich cultural heritage and is sacred to many Native American communities who continue...
Educational Video Series: Mesa Verde National Park Cliff Palace Tour
Join Mesa Verde National Park Ranger, Jill Blumenthal, on a tour of Cliff Palace. Cliff Palace is one of the...
Publications: Maize Database Project Final Report
This document represents the final report on the Maize Database project or MDP. It includes: a brief description of the...
Webinars: Chaco Landscapes: Sensory and Political Engagement with Place
Archaeologist Ruth Van Dyke shares insights into social, political, and sensorial relationships across the greater Chaco landscape, past and present....
Webinars: Windows into the Past
America has a rich, deep past that extends back much further than 1492. In this guide for teachers, Crow Canyon...
Webinars: Archaeology at Woods Canyon Pueblo Eighth Grade Lesson Plan
This lesson highlights two important facets of archaeology: asking research questions and testing theories. It also introduces students to the...
Webinars: Indigenizing Archaeology and Museums
Pueblo Indian people of the American Southwest have multi-faceted and nuanced relationships with their material culture associated with archaeological activities....

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