Educational Resources

Browse our library of Education Products developed from over 40 years of collaborative research

Webinars: Altered Landscapes
Michael Namingha’s (Tewa/Hopi) Altered Landscape series are abstract, photography-based works that juxtapose geometric shapes in bright neon colors against black-and-white...
Webinars: Fancy in Utah: Precious and Exotic Artifacts from the Bluff and Edge of the Cedars Great House Sites
This event is brought to you by the Bureau of Land Management, Monticello Field Office and Bears Ears National Monument...
Webinars: Through the Lens of a Navajo Photographer
In this session, we will dive into understanding the ideals and techniques of Priscilla Tacheney - a Navajo photographer that...
Webinars: Ask an Archaeologist
Hosted by Liz Perry, Chief Executive Officer; Jonathan Dombrosky, Postdoctoral Scholar; Benjamin Bellorado, Laboratory Director; Kelsey Reese, Research Associate; and...
Webinars: Recent Archaeological Research in Southeast Utah by Brigham Young University
Brigham Young University has a long history of archaeological research in southeastern Utah, dating back to the late 1950s. Over...
Project Databases: The Woods Canyon Pueblo Database
The Woods Canyon Pueblo Database includes a wide variety of field and laboratory data generated as a result of Crow...
Webinars: Where are they now? Crow Canyon’s Internship Program
What do the Pueblo of Pojoaque, the National Renewable Energy Lab, Smith College, the Oberlin Heritage Center and the Chrysler...
Educational Video Series: Pueblo Voices: Corn
Pueblo historical perspectives are shaped by their deep cultural heritage, kept alive through oral tradition. Archaeologists' understanding of Pueblo history...
Webinars: The Memory of Water: Elements and Ancestry in Bears Ears – Part 2
Join us for a special two-part mini-series featuring author Craig Childs and Hopi archaeologist Lyle Balenquah. While trekking through beautiful...
Project Databases: The Yellowjacket Pueblo Database: Site 5MT5
The Yellow Jacket Pueblo Database includes a wide variety of field and laboratory data generated as a result of Crow...
Webinars: Exploring Fremont Territoriality and Resource Defense in Nine Mile Canyon, Utah
Territoriality, or the exclusion of competitors from resource patches, is an important strategy among a wide variety of human groups...
Site Reports: The Archaeology of Albert Porter Pueblo (Site 5MT123): Excavations at a Great House Community Center in Southwestern Colorado
Final site report for the Albert Porter Pueblo Project includes a wide variety of field and laboratory data generated as...

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