Where Are the Pens? Ancestral Pueblo Turkey Husbandry and Management on the Pajarito Plateau
Turkeys, both wild and domestic, were likely exploited, raised and bred during the Ancestral Pueblo-era on the Pajarito Plateau. Past studies focused on turkey skeletal elemental abundances; isotopes and ancient DNA suggest that during the Coalition Period, beginning in the A.D./C.E. 1100s and after, turkeys represented an important socioeconomic staple for Pueblo peoples. In this talk, Cyler overviews this record and discusses ongoing research focused on reexamining these human-turkey relationships. Intriguingly, the Pajarito Plateau appears to lack a clear record of turkey pens, or anthropogenic features, that would have allowed for controlled breeding and management of turkey folks. A lack of turkey pens combined with new iconographic, osteometric, and stable isotope data indicates that there is a much more complex record of pre-contact turkey husbandry and management occurring on the Plateau than previously recognized.