Nonstructure 9010, extramural surface

About this Nonstructure

Has Surface
No Masonry

General Location

East-central portion of site.

Specific Location

Southeastern portion of Architectural Block 100; 1-x-1-m unit 471N 540E.

Selection Criteria

Sixth 1-x-1-m unit randomly selected for excavation in Nonstructure 102. Nonstructure 102 deposits are above Nonstructure 9010.


Nonstructure 9010 is an extramural surface from which a pit feature (Feature 1) was excavated into undisturbed native sediment sometime during the Middle Pueblo II through Late Pueblo II period.


Nonstructure 102 refuse covered this surface sometime during the Middle Pueblo II through Late Pueblo III period.

Postabandonment Process

Nonstructure 102 refuse covered this surface during the Middle Pueblo II through Late Pueblo III period.

Dating of Midden

Not applicable.

Date Range

15 (A.D. 1020–1280)

Site-Wide Dating

Excavation Details for Excavation Units

In order by excavation unit number.

Excavation Unit



1-x-1 meter grid unit 471N 540E.
South-central portion of the site.
West-central portion of Nonstructure 102.

Selection Criteria

Random. Sixth 1-x-1-m unit randomly selected for excavation in Nonstructure 102.

Excavation Strategy

Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels. Excavated in 10 cm levels.

Unit Ends at

Fill continued. Fill continued in Feature 1, Pit Not Further Specified.

Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit

Study Unit Type
Study Unit Number
Study Unit Description
extramural surface