Nonstructure 120, extramural surface

About this Nonstructure

Has Surface
No Masonry

General Location

Central portion of site.

Specific Location

North-central portion of Block 100; below southeast portion of Structure 103.

Selection Criteria

Encountered surface and features of Nonstructure 120 below Structure 103.


This surface represents an extramural use area from which two pit features (Feature 1 and Feature 2) were excavated. Structure 103 was constructed above this surface after the pits were no longer used.


This surface was probably not used after the middle Pueblo II period.

Postabandonment Process

Structure 103 was constructed above this surface after the pits were no longer used.

Dating of Midden

None evident.

Date Range

1 (A.D. 725–920)

Site-Wide Dating

Excavation Details for Excavation Units

In order by excavation unit number.

Excavation Unit



East Half
Central portion of site.
North-central portion of Block100.

Selection Criteria

Judgmental. Previously excavated surface room; strategy was to remove sediment to expose and record masonry; additional deposits detected below room (Nonstructure 120).

Excavation Strategy

Natural strata.

Unit Ends at

Undisturbed native sediment.

Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit

Study Unit Type
Study Unit Number
Study Unit Description
masonry surface structure
extramural surface