Chipped-Stone Debris Search - Data Fields and Codes
Below is a list of the data fields and codes that will appear in your search results.
Site No.: Site number with state and county designation, e.g., 5MT1825
- 42SA22760 - Hedley Site Complex
- 5MT0000 - Hawkins Preserve Property
- 5MT1000 - 7 Towers
- 5MT10627 -
- 5MT10631 - Mueller Little House
- 5MT10632 - Agatha Site
- 5MT10637 -
- 5MT10647 - Dillard Site
- 5MT10651 -
- 5MT10673 -
- 5MT10674 -
- 5MT10678 - 5MT10678
- 5MT10683 -
- 5MT10684 - Dry Ridge site
- 5MT10685 -
- 5MT10686 - Badger Den
- 5MT10687 - Sagebrush House Site
- 5MT10704 -
- 5MT10709 - Portulaca Point
- 5MT10711 - Ridgeline Site
- 5MT10718 - 5MT10718
- 5MT10719 - 5MT10719
- 5MT10721 -
- 5MT10726 - KK lot 5
- 5Mt10730 -
- 5MT10736 - TJ Smith Site
- 5MT11842 - Woods Canyon Pueblo
- 5MT12086 - Woods Canyon Reservoir
- 5MT12205 - Payne Site
- 5MT123 - Albert Porter Site
- 5MT136 - Bass Ruin Complex
- 5MT1541 - no name
- 5MT18596 -
- 5MT18629 -
- 5MT18632 -
- 5MT19106 -
- 5MT2032 - Switchback site
- 5MT2037 - Pasquin Site
- 5MT3807 - Shields Pueblo
- 5MT3875 - Shepherd Site
- 5MT3890 - Windrow Ruin
- 5MT3891 - Wheatfield Island
- 5MT4469 - Hawkins Preserve Site
- 5MT4700 - 5MT4700
- 5MT5 - Yellow Jacket Pueblo
SU Type: Study unit type
- ARB - Arbitrary Unit
- BHT - Backhoe Trench
- COL - Collections Research
- GEN - General Site
- ISO - Isolated Occurrence
- NST - Nonstructure
- OTH - Other
- STR - Structure
- VOI - Void
- WAL - Wall
SU No.: Study unit number
SU Description: Study unit descriptive type
- 10 - subterranean kiva
- 11 - aboveground kiva
- 12 - kiva, type unknown
- 13 - kiva corner room
- 14 - earth-walled pit structure
- 15 - subterranean structure, type unknown
- 20 - subterranean room
- 21 - masonry surface structure
- 22 - nonmasonry surface room
- 23 - masonry structure, type unknown
- 24 - other masonry structure
- 30 - midden
- 31 - extramural surface
- 32 - reservoir
- 33 - road
- 34 - cultural deposit, type unknown
- 35 - noncultural
- 36 - extramural pit feature
- 50 - multiple study unit types
- 99 - not further specified
FAP: Fill/assemblage position
- 10 - surface contact: prepared floor surface
- 11 - surface contact: ash or other accumulation on a floor
- 12 - surface contact: capped surface
- 13 - surface contact: and fill above
- 14 - surface contact: bench surface
- 15 - surface contact: other feature surface
- 16 - surface contact: ephemeral or reuse surface in fill
- 17 - surface contact: modern ground surface
- 18 - surface contact: natural or bedrock surface
- 19 - surface contact: other
- 20 - fill: surface feature contents
- 30 - fill: wall fall
- 31 - fill: roof fall
- 32 - fill: wall fall and roof fall
- 33 - fill: below wall fall
- 34 - fill: below roof fall
- 35 - fill: below wall and roof fall
- 36 - fill: above wall/roof fall
- 37 - fill: below wall fall and above roof fall
- 38 - fill: upper
- 39 - fill: lower
- 40 - fill: below a cultural surface
- 41 - fill: prehistoric ground surface or buried A horizon
- 48 - fill: not further specified
- 49 - fill: other
- 60 - architectural deposit: construction
- 90 - sterile: undisturbed sediment or geologic deposit
- 97 - not applicable: fill/assemblage position is not applicable
- 98 - indeterminate: fill/assemblage position cannot be determined
- 99 - other: fill/assemblage position is not in this list
FAT: Fill/assemblage type
- 10 - cultural deposit: not further specified
- 11 - cultural deposit: primary refuse
- 12 - cultural deposit: secondary refuse
- 13 - cultural deposit: de facto refuse
- 14 - cultural deposit: mixed refuse
- 15 - cultural deposit: recently disturbed
- 19 - cultural deposit: other
- 20 - collapsed structure: not further specified
- 21 - collapsed structure: with de facto refuse
- 22 - collapsed structure: with mixed refuse
- 29 - collapsed structure: other
- 30 - postabandonment deposit: not further specified
- 31 - postabandonment deposit: natural processes
- 39 - postabandonment deposit: other
- 40 - natural deposit: during occupation
- 50 - mixed deposit: not further specified
- 51 - mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
- 52 - mixed deposit: recent disturbance
- 53 - mixed deposit: sampling column
- 59 - mixed deposit: other
- 70 - construction deposit: not further specified
- 71 - construction deposit: refuse fill
- 72 - construction deposit: clean fill
- 73 - construction deposit: rubble fill
- 74 - construction deposit: masonry
- 79 - construction deposit: other
- 90 - noncultural deposit: not further specified
- 91 - noncultural deposit: other
- 97 - not applicable: fill/assemblage type is not applicable
- 98 - indeterminate: fill/assemblage type cannot be determined
- 99 - other deposit: fill/assemblage type is not in this list
PD: Provenience designation number
FS: Field specimen number
PL: Point location number
Material Code: Artifact material
- ACH - agate/chalcedony
- BAS - basalt
- BBC - Brushy Basin chert/siltstone
- BIR - bird bone
- BUR - Burro Canyon chert
- CAL - caliche
- CAW - charcoal & unburned wood
- CER - ceramic
- CHA - charcoal
- CHR - Cheese and Raisins chert
- CHS - chert/siltstone
- CLA - clay
- COG - conglomerate
- COM - composite
- CON - concretion
- COP - copper
- CRN - corn
- DCS - Dakota chert/siltstone
- DQT - Dakota quartzite
- ELR - El Rechuelos Obsidian
- FOC - Fossiliferous chert
- FOS - fossil
- GCB - gypsum/calcite/barite
- GCH - Gray chert
- GLS - glass
- GRA - granite
- GRV - Gravel sample
- HIS - historic
- HPE - Heated Pedernal chert
- JET - jet
- JEZ - Jemez Obsidian
- JMC - Brushy Basin chert
- JMS - Morrison silicified sandstone
- KBC - Burro Canyon chert
- KDB - Dakota/Burro Canyon silicified sandstone
- KJC - Morrison chert
- KJM - Morrison mudstone
- LIM - Limestone
- LOC - local (chipped stone file)
- LTR - leather
- MAM - mammal bone
- MCS - Morrison chert/siltstone
- MET - metamorphic rock
- MIN - other mineral
- MQT - Morrison quartzite
- MTL - pigment
- NCS - nonlocal chert/siltstone
- NLO - nonlocal (chipped stone file)
- OBS - obsidian
- OIG - igneous
- PED - Pedernal chert
- PET - petrified wood
- PIG - pigment
- PMS - Porter mudstone
- QTZ - quartz
- QUT - quartzite
- RJS - red jasper
- SCH - schist
- SEE - seed
- SHA - shale
- SHE - shell
- SLA - slate
- SLS - slate/shale
- SND - sandstone
- TUR - turquoise
- UBW - unburned wood
- UCS - unknown chert/siltstone
- UNB - unknown bone
- UNK - unknown material
- UNS - unknown stone
- UQT - unknown quartzite
- USS - unknown silicified sandstone
- VEG - other vegetal
- WPC - Washington Pass chert
- YJS - Yellow Jasper
Size: Mesh/screen dimensions
- 1 - 1-inch screen
- 2 - 1/2-inch screen
- 4 - 1/4-inch screen
- 5 - smaller than 1/4-inch screen
Cortex: Presence/absence of cortex
- A - absent
- P - present
Count Count
Weight Weight (grams)
Comments Analysis comments