Archaeobotanical Remains Search - Data Fields and Codes
Below is a list of the data fields and codes that will appear in your search results.
Site No.: Site number with state and county designation, e.g., 5MT1825
- 42SA22760 - Hedley Site Complex
- 5MT10246 - Lester's Site
- 5MT10459 - Lookout House
- 5MT10508 - Stanton's Site
- 5MT10627 -
- 5MT10631 - Mueller Little House
- 5MT10632 - Agatha Site
- 5MT10637 -
- 5MT10647 - Dillard Site
- 5MT10651 -
- 5MT10673 -
- 5MT10674 -
- 5MT10678 - 5MT10678
- 5MT10683 -
- 5MT10684 - Dry Ridge site
- 5MT10685 -
- 5MT10686 - Badger Den
- 5MT10687 - Sagebrush House Site
- 5MT10704 -
- 5MT10709 - Portulaca Point
- 5MT10711 - Ridgeline Site
- 5MT10718 - 5MT10718
- 5MT10719 - 5MT10719
- 5MT10721 -
- 5MT10726 - KK lot 5
- 5Mt10730 -
- 5MT10736 - TJ Smith Site
- 5MT11338 - G & G Hamlet
- 5MT11842 - Woods Canyon Pueblo
- 5MT12086 - Woods Canyon Reservoir
- 5MT12205 - Payne Site
- 5MT123 - Albert Porter Site
- 5MT1690 - Cougar Cub Alcove
- 5MT181 - Mad Dog Tower
- 5MT1825 - Castle Rock Pueblo
- 5MT18596 -
- 5MT18629 -
- 5MT18632 -
- 5MT19106 -
- 5MT2032 - Switchback site
- 5MT2037 - Pasquin Site
- 5MT262 - Saddlehorn Hamlet
- 5MT3807 - Shields Pueblo
- 5MT3875 - Shepherd Site
- 5MT3890 - Windrow Ruin
- 5MT3891 - Wheatfield Island
- 5MT3918 - Shorlene's Site
- 5MT3930 - Roy's Ruin
- 5MT3936 - Lillian's Site
- 5MT3951 - Troy's Tower
- 5MT3967 - Catherine's Site
- 5MT5 - Yellow Jacket Pueblo
- 5MT5152 - Kenzie Dawn Hamlet
- 5MT765 - Sand Canyon Pueblo
SU Type: Study unit type
- ARB - Arbitrary Unit
- BHT - Backhoe Trench
- COL - Collections Research
- GEN - General Site
- ISO - Isolated Occurrence
- NST - Nonstructure
- OTH - Other
- STR - Structure
- VOI - Void
- WAL - Wall
SU No.: Study unit number
SU Description: Study unit descriptive type
- 10 - subterranean kiva
- 11 - aboveground kiva
- 12 - kiva, type unknown
- 13 - kiva corner room
- 14 - earth-walled pit structure
- 15 - subterranean structure, type unknown
- 20 - subterranean room
- 21 - masonry surface structure
- 22 - nonmasonry surface room
- 23 - masonry structure, type unknown
- 24 - other masonry structure
- 30 - midden
- 31 - extramural surface
- 32 - reservoir
- 33 - road
- 34 - cultural deposit, type unknown
- 35 - noncultural
- 36 - extramural pit feature
- 50 - multiple study unit types
- 99 - not further specified
FAP: Fill/assemblage position
- 10 - surface contact: prepared floor surface
- 11 - surface contact: ash or other accumulation on a floor
- 12 - surface contact: capped surface
- 13 - surface contact: and fill above
- 14 - surface contact: bench surface
- 15 - surface contact: other feature surface
- 16 - surface contact: ephemeral or reuse surface in fill
- 17 - surface contact: modern ground surface
- 18 - surface contact: natural or bedrock surface
- 19 - surface contact: other
- 20 - fill: surface feature contents
- 30 - fill: wall fall
- 31 - fill: roof fall
- 32 - fill: wall fall and roof fall
- 33 - fill: below wall fall
- 34 - fill: below roof fall
- 35 - fill: below wall and roof fall
- 36 - fill: above wall/roof fall
- 37 - fill: below wall fall and above roof fall
- 38 - fill: upper
- 39 - fill: lower
- 40 - fill: below a cultural surface
- 41 - fill: prehistoric ground surface or buried A horizon
- 48 - fill: not further specified
- 49 - fill: other
- 60 - architectural deposit: construction
- 90 - sterile: undisturbed sediment or geologic deposit
- 97 - not applicable: fill/assemblage position is not applicable
- 98 - indeterminate: fill/assemblage position cannot be determined
- 99 - other: fill/assemblage position is not in this list
FAT: Fill/assemblage type
- 10 - cultural deposit: not further specified
- 11 - cultural deposit: primary refuse
- 12 - cultural deposit: secondary refuse
- 13 - cultural deposit: de facto refuse
- 14 - cultural deposit: mixed refuse
- 15 - cultural deposit: recently disturbed
- 19 - cultural deposit: other
- 20 - collapsed structure: not further specified
- 21 - collapsed structure: with de facto refuse
- 22 - collapsed structure: with mixed refuse
- 29 - collapsed structure: other
- 30 - postabandonment deposit: not further specified
- 31 - postabandonment deposit: natural processes
- 39 - postabandonment deposit: other
- 40 - natural deposit: during occupation
- 50 - mixed deposit: not further specified
- 51 - mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
- 52 - mixed deposit: recent disturbance
- 53 - mixed deposit: sampling column
- 59 - mixed deposit: other
- 70 - construction deposit: not further specified
- 71 - construction deposit: refuse fill
- 72 - construction deposit: clean fill
- 73 - construction deposit: rubble fill
- 74 - construction deposit: masonry
- 79 - construction deposit: other
- 90 - noncultural deposit: not further specified
- 91 - noncultural deposit: other
- 97 - not applicable: fill/assemblage type is not applicable
- 98 - indeterminate: fill/assemblage type cannot be determined
- 99 - other deposit: fill/assemblage type is not in this list
PD: Provenience designation number
FS: Field specimen number
PL: Point location number
Artifact Category: Category to which artifact has been assigned
- FLO - flotation sample
- VEG - vegetal
Species: Plant genus and species
- 11 - unknown species
- 12 - nonbotanical
- 13 - unknown specimen
- 101 - Acer negundo
- 201 - Yucca baccata
- 202 - Yucca angustissima
- 401 - Rhus aromatica var. trilobata
- 501 - Lappula redowskii
- 701 - Echinocereus fendleri
- 702 - Echinocereus triglochidiatus
- 801 - Opuntia - cholla species
- 802 - Opuntia - prickly pear species
- 1101 - Stellaria media
- 1201 - Atriplex canescens
- 1301 - Ceratoides lanata
- 1601 - Cycloloma atriplicifolium
- 1701 - Sarcobatus vermiculatus
- 1901 - Artemisia filifolia
- 1902 - Artemisia tridentata
- 2001 - Chrysothamnus nauseosus
- 2101 - Helianthus annuus
- 2301 - Descurainia pinnata
- 2401 - Cucurbita moschata
- 2402 - Cucurbita pepo
- 2501 - Lagenaria siceraria
- 2601 - Juniperus osteosperma
- 2801 - Ephedra viridis
- 2901 - Euphorbia glyptosperma
- 3001 - Quercus gambelii
- 3201 - Bromus tectorum
- 3301 - Phragmites australis
- 3401 - Stipa comata
- 3402 - Stipa hymenoides
- 3601 - Zea mays
- 3602 - Hordeum pusillum
- 3801 - Marrubium vulgare
- 3811 - Dracocepalium parviflorium
- 3901 - Phaseolus vulgaris
- 4001 - Mentzelia albicaulis
- 4201 - Sphaeralcea digitata
- 4401 - Fraxinus anomala
- 4501 - Pinus edulis
- 4502 - Pinus ponderosa
- 4601 - Pseudotsuga menziesii
- 4801 - Polygonum convolvulus
- 5001 - Portulaca oleracea
- 5002 - Portulaca retusa
- 5003 - Portulaca parvula
- 5101 - Amelanchier utahensis
- 5301 - Cercocarpus montanus
- 5501 - Peraphyllum ramosissimum
- 5601 - Prunus virginiana
- 5602 - Prunus armeniaca
- 5801 - Rosa woodsii
- 5901 - Purshia mexicana
- 5902 - Purshia tridentata
- 6101 - Populus acuminata
- 6102 - Populus angustifolia
- 6103 - Populus fremontii
- 6301 - Salix exigua
- 6601 - Lycium pallidum
- 6701 - Nicotiana attenuata
- 6801 - Physalis longifolia
- 6901 - Scirpus acutus
Genus: Plant genus
- 100 - Acer
- 100 - Acer
- 100 - Acer
- 100 - Acer
- 200 - Yucca
- 200 - Yucca
- 200 - Yucca
- 200 - Yucca
- 300 - Amaranthus
- 300 - Amaranthus
- 300 - Amaranthus
- 300 - Amaranthus
- 400 - Rhus
- 400 - Rhus
- 400 - Rhus
- 400 - Rhus
- 500 - Lappula
- 500 - Lappula
- 500 - Lappula
- 500 - Lappula
- 600 - Lithospermum
- 600 - Lithospermum
- 600 - Lithospermum
- 600 - Lithospermum
- 700 - Echinocereus
- 700 - Echinocereus
- 700 - Echinocereus
- 700 - Echinocereus
- 800 - Opuntia
- 800 - Opuntia
- 800 - Opuntia
- 800 - Opuntia
- 900 - Cleome
- 900 - Cleome
- 900 - Cleome
- 900 - Cleome
- 1000 - Polanisia
- 1000 - Polanisia
- 1000 - Polanisia
- 1000 - Polanisia
- 1100 - Stellaria
- 1100 - Stellaria
- 1100 - Stellaria
- 1100 - Stellaria
- 1200 - Atriplex
- 1200 - Atriplex
- 1200 - Atriplex
- 1200 - Atriplex
- 1300 - Ceratoides
- 1300 - Ceratoides
- 1300 - Ceratoides
- 1300 - Ceratoides
- 1400 - Chenopodium
- 1400 - Chenopodium
- 1400 - Chenopodium
- 1400 - Chenopodium
- 1500 - Corispermum
- 1500 - Corispermum
- 1500 - Corispermum
- 1500 - Corispermum
- 1600 - Cycloloma
- 1600 - Cycloloma
- 1600 - Cycloloma
- 1600 - Cycloloma
- 1700 - Sarcobatus
- 1700 - Sarcobatus
- 1700 - Sarcobatus
- 1700 - Sarcobatus
- 1800 - Cheno-am
- 1800 - Cheno-am
- 1800 - Cheno-am
- 1800 - Cheno-am
- 1900 - Artemisia
- 1900 - Artemisia
- 1900 - Artemisia
- 1900 - Artemisia
- 2000 - Chrysothamnus
- 2000 - Chrysothamnus
- 2000 - Chrysothamnus
- 2000 - Chrysothamnus
- 2100 - Helianthus
- 2100 - Helianthus
- 2100 - Helianthus
- 2100 - Helianthus
- 2200 - Helianthus/Viguiera
- 2200 - Helianthus/Viguiera
- 2200 - Helianthus/Viguiera
- 2200 - Helianthus/Viguiera
- 2300 - Descurainia
- 2300 - Descurainia
- 2300 - Descurainia
- 2300 - Descurainia
- 2400 - Cucurbita
- 2400 - Cucurbita
- 2400 - Cucurbita
- 2400 - Cucurbita
- 2500 - Lagenaria
- 2500 - Lagenaria
- 2500 - Lagenaria
- 2500 - Lagenaria
- 2600 - Juniperus
- 2600 - Juniperus
- 2600 - Juniperus
- 2600 - Juniperus
- 2700 - Scirpus
- 2700 - Scirpus
- 2700 - Scirpus
- 2700 - Scirpus
- 2800 - Ephedra
- 2800 - Ephedra
- 2800 - Ephedra
- 2800 - Ephedra
- 2900 - Euphorbia
- 2900 - Euphorbia
- 2900 - Euphorbia
- 2900 - Euphorbia
- 3000 - Quercus
- 3000 - Quercus
- 3000 - Quercus
- 3000 - Quercus
- 3100 - Erodium
- 3100 - Erodium
- 3100 - Erodium
- 3100 - Erodium
- 3200 - Bromus
- 3200 - Bromus
- 3200 - Bromus
- 3200 - Bromus
- 3300 - Phragmites
- 3300 - Phragmites
- 3300 - Phragmites
- 3300 - Phragmites
- 3400 - Stipa
- 3400 - Stipa
- 3400 - Stipa
- 3400 - Stipa
- 3500 - Triticum
- 3500 - Triticum
- 3500 - Triticum
- 3500 - Triticum
- 3600 - Zea
- 3600 - Zea
- 3600 - Zea
- 3600 - Zea
- 3700 - Juncus
- 3700 - Juncus
- 3700 - Juncus
- 3700 - Juncus
- 3800 - Marrubium
- 3800 - Marrubium
- 3800 - Marrubium
- 3800 - Marrubium
- 3810 - Dracophelium
- 3810 - Dracophelium
- 3810 - Dracophelium
- 3810 - Dracophelium
- 3900 - Phaseolus
- 3900 - Phaseolus
- 3900 - Phaseolus
- 3900 - Phaseolus
- 4000 - Mentzelia
- 4000 - Mentzelia
- 4000 - Mentzelia
- 4000 - Mentzelia
- 4100 - Gossypium
- 4100 - Gossypium
- 4100 - Gossypium
- 4100 - Gossypium
- 4200 - Sphaeralcea
- 4200 - Sphaeralcea
- 4200 - Sphaeralcea
- 4200 - Sphaeralcea
- 4300 - Forestiera
- 4300 - Forestiera
- 4300 - Forestiera
- 4300 - Forestiera
- 4400 - Fraxinus
- 4400 - Fraxinus
- 4400 - Fraxinus
- 4400 - Fraxinus
- 4500 - Pinus
- 4500 - Pinus
- 4500 - Pinus
- 4500 - Pinus
- 4600 - Pseudotsuga
- 4600 - Pseudotsuga
- 4600 - Pseudotsuga
- 4600 - Pseudotsuga
- 4700 - Plantago
- 4700 - Plantago
- 4700 - Plantago
- 4700 - Plantago
- 4800 - Polygonum
- 4800 - Polygonum
- 4800 - Polygonum
- 4800 - Polygonum
- 4900 - Rumex
- 4900 - Rumex
- 4900 - Rumex
- 4900 - Rumex
- 5000 - Portulaca
- 5000 - Portulaca
- 5000 - Portulaca
- 5000 - Portulaca
- 5100 - Amelanchier
- 5100 - Amelanchier
- 5100 - Amelanchier
- 5100 - Amelanchier
- 5200 - Amelanchier/Peraphyllum
- 5200 - Amelanchier/Peraphyllum
- 5200 - Amelanchier/Peraphyllum
- 5200 - Amelanchier/Peraphyllum
- 5300 - Cercocarpus
- 5300 - Cercocarpus
- 5300 - Cercocarpus
- 5300 - Cercocarpus
- 5400 - Cercocarpus/Artemisia
- 5400 - Cercocarpus/Artemisia
- 5400 - Cercocarpus/Artemisia
- 5400 - Cercocarpus/Artemisia
- 5500 - Peraphyllum
- 5500 - Peraphyllum
- 5500 - Peraphyllum
- 5500 - Peraphyllum
- 5600 - Prunus
- 5600 - Prunus
- 5600 - Prunus
- 5600 - Prunus
- 5700 - Prunus/Rosa
- 5700 - Prunus/Rosa
- 5700 - Prunus/Rosa
- 5700 - Prunus/Rosa
- 5800 - Rosa
- 5800 - Rosa
- 5800 - Rosa
- 5800 - Rosa
- 5900 - Purshia
- 5900 - Purshia
- 5900 - Purshia
- 5900 - Purshia
- 6000 - Galium
- 6000 - Galium
- 6000 - Galium
- 6000 - Galium
- 6100 - Populus
- 6100 - Populus
- 6100 - Populus
- 6100 - Populus
- 6200 - Populus/Salix
- 6200 - Populus/Salix
- 6200 - Populus/Salix
- 6200 - Populus/Salix
- 6300 - Salix
- 6300 - Salix
- 6300 - Salix
- 6300 - Salix
- 6400 - Fendlera
- 6400 - Fendlera
- 6400 - Fendlera
- 6400 - Fendlera
- 6500 - Penstemon
- 6500 - Penstemon
- 6500 - Penstemon
- 6500 - Penstemon
- 6600 - Lycium
- 6600 - Solanum
- 6600 - Lycium
- 6600 - Solanum
- 6600 - Lycium
- 6600 - Solanum
- 6600 - Lycium
- 6600 - Solanum
- 6700 - Nicotiana
- 6700 - Nicotiana
- 6700 - Nicotiana
- 6700 - Nicotiana
- 6800 - Physalis
- 6800 - Physalis
- 6800 - Physalis
- 6800 - Physalis
- 6900 - Celtis
- 6900 - Celtis
- 6900 - Celtis
- 6900 - Celtis
- 7000 - Viguiera
- 7000 - Viguiera
- 7000 - Viguiera
- 7000 - Viguiera
- 7100 - unknown genus
- 7100 - unknown genus
- 7100 - unknown genus
- 7100 - unknown genus
- 7102 - nonbotanical
- 7102 - nonbotanical
- 7102 - nonbotanical
- 7102 - nonbotanical
- 7200 - Sporobolus
- 7200 - Sporobolus
- 7200 - Sporobolus
- 7200 - Sporobolus
- 7300 - Verbena
- 7300 - Verbena
- 7300 - Verbena
- 7300 - Verbena
- 7400 - Astragolus
- 7400 - Astragolus
- 7400 - Astragolus
- 7400 - Astragolus
- 7500 - Ribes
- 7500 - Ribes
- 7500 - Ribes
- 7500 - Ribes
- 7600 - Hordeum
- 7600 - Hordeum
- 7600 - Hordeum
- 7600 - Hordeum
- 7700 - Boerhavia
- 7700 - Boerhavia
- 7700 - Boerhavia
- 7700 - Boerhavia
Family: Plant family
- 100 - Aceraceae
- 100 - Aceraceae
- 100 - Aceraceae
- 100 - Aceraceae
- 200 - Agavaceae
- 200 - Agavaceae
- 200 - Agavaceae
- 200 - Agavaceae
- 300 - Amaranthaceae
- 300 - Amaranthaceae
- 300 - Amaranthaceae
- 300 - Amaranthaceae
- 400 - Anacardiaceae
- 400 - Anacardiaceae
- 400 - Anacardiaceae
- 400 - Anacardiaceae
- 500 - Boraginaceae
- 500 - Boraginaceae
- 500 - Boraginaceae
- 500 - Boraginaceae
- 600 - Cactaceae
- 600 - Cactaceae
- 600 - Cactaceae
- 600 - Cactaceae
- 700 - Capparaceae
- 700 - Capparaceae
- 700 - Capparaceae
- 700 - Capparaceae
- 800 - Caryophyllaceae
- 800 - Caryophyllaceae
- 800 - Caryophyllaceae
- 800 - Caryophyllaceae
- 900 - Chenopodiaceae
- 900 - Chenopodiaceae
- 900 - Chenopodiaceae
- 900 - Chenopodiaceae
- 1000 - Compositae
- 1000 - Compositae
- 1000 - Compositae
- 1000 - Compositae
- 1100 - Cruciferae
- 1100 - Cruciferae
- 1100 - Cruciferae
- 1100 - Cruciferae
- 1200 - Cucurbitaceae
- 1200 - Cucurbitaceae
- 1200 - Cucurbitaceae
- 1200 - Cucurbitaceae
- 1300 - Cupressaceae
- 1300 - Cupressaceae
- 1300 - Cupressaceae
- 1300 - Cupressaceae
- 1400 - Cyperaceae
- 1400 - Cyperaceae
- 1400 - Cyperaceae
- 1400 - Cyperaceae
- 1500 - Ephedraceae
- 1500 - Ephedraceae
- 1500 - Ephedraceae
- 1500 - Ephedraceae
- 1600 - Euphorbiaceae
- 1600 - Euphorbiaceae
- 1600 - Euphorbiaceae
- 1600 - Euphorbiaceae
- 1700 - Fagaceae
- 1700 - Fagaceae
- 1700 - Fagaceae
- 1700 - Fagaceae
- 1800 - Geraniaceae
- 1800 - Geraniaceae
- 1800 - Geraniaceae
- 1800 - Geraniaceae
- 1900 - Gramineae
- 1900 - Gramineae
- 1900 - Gramineae
- 1900 - Gramineae
- 2000 - Gramineae (panicoid)
- 2000 - Gramineae (panicoid)
- 2000 - Gramineae (panicoid)
- 2000 - Gramineae (panicoid)
- 2100 - Gramineae (festicoid)
- 2100 - Gramineae (festicoid)
- 2100 - Gramineae (festicoid)
- 2100 - Gramineae (festicoid)
- 2200 - Juncaceae
- 2200 - Juncaceae
- 2200 - Juncaceae
- 2200 - Juncaceae
- 2300 - Labiatae
- 2300 - Labiatae
- 2300 - Labiatae
- 2300 - Labiatae
- 2400 - Leguminosae
- 2400 - Leguminosae
- 2400 - Leguminosae
- 2400 - Leguminosae
- 2500 - Liliaceae
- 2500 - Liliaceae
- 2500 - Liliaceae
- 2500 - Liliaceae
- 2600 - Loasaceae
- 2600 - Loasaceae
- 2600 - Loasaceae
- 2600 - Loasaceae
- 2700 - Malvaceae
- 2700 - Malvaceae
- 2700 - Malvaceae
- 2700 - Malvaceae
- 2800 - Oleaceae
- 2800 - Oleaceae
- 2800 - Oleaceae
- 2800 - Oleaceae
- 2900 - Pinaceae
- 2900 - Pinaceae
- 2900 - Pinaceae
- 2900 - Pinaceae
- 3000 - Plantaginaceae
- 3000 - Plantaginaceae
- 3000 - Plantaginaceae
- 3000 - Plantaginaceae
- 3100 - Polygonaceae
- 3100 - Polygonaceae
- 3100 - Polygonaceae
- 3100 - Polygonaceae
- 3200 - Portulacaceae
- 3200 - Portulacaceae
- 3200 - Portulacaceae
- 3200 - Portulacaceae
- 3300 - Rosaceae
- 3300 - Rosaceae
- 3300 - Rosaceae
- 3300 - Rosaceae
- 3400 - Rubiaceae
- 3400 - Rubiaceae
- 3400 - Rubiaceae
- 3400 - Rubiaceae
- 3500 - Salicaceae
- 3500 - Salicaceae
- 3500 - Salicaceae
- 3500 - Salicaceae
- 3600 - Saxifragaceae
- 3600 - Saxifragaceae
- 3600 - Saxifragaceae
- 3600 - Saxifragaceae
- 3700 - Schrophulariaceae
- 3700 - Schrophulariaceae
- 3700 - Schrophulariaceae
- 3700 - Schrophulariaceae
- 3800 - Solanaceae
- 3800 - Solanaceae
- 3800 - Solanaceae
- 3800 - Solanaceae
- 3900 - Ulmaceae
- 3900 - Ulmaceae
- 3900 - Ulmaceae
- 3900 - Ulmaceae
- 4000 - unknown family
- 4000 - unknown family
- 4000 - unknown family
- 4000 - unknown family
- 4002 - nonbotanical
- 4002 - nonbotanical
- 4002 - nonbotanical
- 4002 - nonbotanical
- 4100 - Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae
- 4100 - Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae
- 4100 - Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae
- 4100 - Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae
- 4200 - verbenaceae
- 4200 - verbenaceae
- 4200 - verbenaceae
- 4200 - verbenaceae
- 4300 - Nyctaginaceae
- 4300 - Nyctaginaceae
- 4300 - Nyctaginaceae
- 4300 - Nyctaginaceae
Subclass: Plant subclass
- D - Dicotyledon
- M - Monocotyledon
- NA - not applicable, Class Gymnosperm
- NB - nonbotanical
- UK - unknown specimen
- US - unknown subclass
Class: Plant class
- A - Angiosperm
- G - Gymnosperm
- NB - nonbotanical
- UC - unknown class
- UK - unknown specimen
Taxon Id: Confidence level for taxonomic assignment
- A - absolute identification
- C - cf. (compare)
- T - type
Part: Plant part (or non-plant speciment description)
- 5 - achene
- 10 - axillary bud
- 15 - bark fragment
- 20 - bark scale
- 24 - berry coat
- 25 - bean (seed)
- 26 - berry
- 27 - bract
- 29 - bud
- 33 - capsule
- 35 - caryopsis
- 40 - charcoal
- 45 - cob fragment
- 50 - cob segment
- 55 - cone scale
- 60 - cone scale umbo
- 65 - cotyledon
- 70 - cupule
- 74 - drupe
- 75 - disseminule
- 76 - ear
- 77 - ear segment
- 80 - embryo
- 85 - epidermis fragment
- 95 - fibrovascular bundles
- 98 - fiber
- 99 - filament
- 100 - floret
- 105 - flower bud
- 110 - flowering head
- 115 - fruit
- 118 - fruit blossom
- 120 - fruit coat
- 125 - fruit core
- 127 - fruit flesh
- 128 - fruit rind
- 130 - fruit top
- 133 - involucre
- 135 - fused mass
- 136 - grain
- 137 - glume
- 139 - inflorescence
- 140 - kernel
- 145 - kernel embryo
- 150 - leaf
- 155 - lemma
- 158 - meal cake
- 160 - needle
- 163 - nut
- 164 - nutlet
- 165 - nutshell
- 166 - nut (seed)
- 170 - organic material
- 175 - palea
- 176 - pepo
- 178 - blossom scar
- 179 - scale
- 180 - peduncle
- 181 - rind
- 182 - root
- 183 - pome
- 185 - scale leaf
- 187 - schizocarp
- 190 - seed
- 195 - shank
- 200 - shank segment
- 202 - spine
- 205 - stalk segment
- 209 - stem
- 210 - stem (culm)
- 215 - tissue
- 218 - unknown
- 219 - utricle
- 220 - twig
- 221 - utricle core
- 222 - twig scale
- 225 - wood
- 230 - pollen balls
- 235 - cone with pollen balls
- 240 - seed coat
- 255 - black spherical bodies
- 260 - apophysis
- 271 - cob, whole
- 272 - seed hair
- 275 - spiral embryo
- 276 - mineral
- 277 - pod
PartId: Confidence level for part assignment
- A - absolute identification
- C - cf. (compare)
- T - type
Frag: Checked (true) if item is a fragment
Condition: Specimen condition, charred or uncharred
- C - charred
- P - partially charred
- U - uncharred
Qty: Quantity of items recovered
Plus: Checked (true) if quantity is a minimum value
Modern: Checked (true) if item is modern
Comments: Comments about specimen