Pottery Search - Data Fields and Codes
Below is a list of the data fields and codes that will appear in your search results.
- 42SA22760 - Hedley Site Complex
- 5DL2333 - Champagne Springs, Study Area 1
- 5DL2334 - Champagne Springs, Study Area 2
- 5MT0000 - Hawkins Preserve Property
- 5MT1000 - 7 Towers
- 5MT10246 - Lester's Site
- 5MT10459 - Lookout House
- 5MT10508 - Stanton's Site
- 5MT10627 -
- 5MT10631 - Mueller Little House
- 5MT10632 - Agatha Site
- 5MT10637 -
- 5MT10647 - Dillard Site
- 5MT10651 -
- 5MT10673 -
- 5MT10674 -
- 5MT10678 - 5MT10678
- 5MT10683 -
- 5MT10684 - Dry Ridge site
- 5MT10685 -
- 5MT10686 - Badger Den
- 5MT10687 - Sagebrush House Site
- 5MT10704 -
- 5MT10709 - Portulaca Point
- 5MT10711 - Ridgeline Site
- 5MT10718 - 5MT10718
- 5MT10719 - 5MT10719
- 5MT10721 -
- 5MT10726 - KK lot 5
- 5Mt10730 -
- 5MT10736 - TJ Smith Site
- 5MT11338 - G & G Hamlet
- 5MT11842 - Woods Canyon Pueblo
- 5MT12086 - Woods Canyon Reservoir
- 5MT12205 - Payne Site
- 5MT123 - Albert Porter Site
- 5MT136 - Bass Ruin Complex
- 5MT1541 - no name
- 5MT1690 - Cougar Cub Alcove
- 5MT181 - Mad Dog Tower
- 5MT1825 - Castle Rock Pueblo
- 5MT18596 -
- 5MT18629 -
- 5MT18632 -
- 5MT19106 -
- 5MT2032 - Switchback site
- 5MT2037 - Pasquin Site
- 5MT262 - Saddlehorn Hamlet
- 5MT3807 - Shields Pueblo
- 5MT3875 - Shepherd Site
- 5MT3890 - Windrow Ruin
- 5MT3891 - Wheatfield Island
- 5MT3901 - Green Lizard Site
- 5MT3918 - Shorlene's Site
- 5MT3930 - Roy's Ruin
- 5MT3936 - Lillian's Site
- 5MT3951 - Troy's Tower
- 5MT3967 - Catherine's Site
- 5MT4469 - Hawkins Preserve Site
- 5MT4700 - 5MT4700
- 5MT5 - Yellow Jacket Pueblo
- 5MT5152 - Kenzie Dawn Hamlet
- 5MT765 - Sand Canyon Pueblo
- ARB - Arbitrary Unit
- BHT - Backhoe Trench
- COL - Collections Research
- GEN - General Site
- ISO - Isolated Occurrence
- NST - Nonstructure
- OTH - Other
- STR - Structure
- VOI - Void
- WAL - Wall
- 10 - subterranean kiva
- 11 - aboveground kiva
- 12 - kiva, type unknown
- 13 - kiva corner room
- 14 - earth-walled pit structure
- 15 - subterranean structure, type unknown
- 20 - subterranean room
- 21 - masonry surface structure
- 22 - nonmasonry surface room
- 23 - masonry structure, type unknown
- 24 - other masonry structure
- 30 - midden
- 31 - extramural surface
- 32 - reservoir
- 33 - road
- 34 - cultural deposit, type unknown
- 35 - noncultural
- 36 - extramural pit feature
- 50 - multiple study unit types
- 99 - not further specified
- 10 - surface contact: prepared floor surface
- 11 - surface contact: ash or other accumulation on a floor
- 12 - surface contact: capped surface
- 13 - surface contact: and fill above
- 14 - surface contact: bench surface
- 15 - surface contact: other feature surface
- 16 - surface contact: ephemeral or reuse surface in fill
- 17 - surface contact: modern ground surface
- 18 - surface contact: natural or bedrock surface
- 19 - surface contact: other
- 20 - fill: surface feature contents
- 30 - fill: wall fall
- 31 - fill: roof fall
- 32 - fill: wall fall and roof fall
- 33 - fill: below wall fall
- 34 - fill: below roof fall
- 35 - fill: below wall and roof fall
- 36 - fill: above wall/roof fall
- 37 - fill: below wall fall and above roof fall
- 38 - fill: upper
- 39 - fill: lower
- 40 - fill: below a cultural surface
- 41 - fill: prehistoric ground surface or buried A horizon
- 48 - fill: not further specified
- 49 - fill: other
- 60 - architectural deposit: construction
- 90 - sterile: undisturbed sediment or geologic deposit
- 97 - not applicable: fill/assemblage position is not applicable
- 98 - indeterminate: fill/assemblage position cannot be determined
- 99 - other: fill/assemblage position is not in this list
- 10 - cultural deposit: not further specified
- 11 - cultural deposit: primary refuse
- 12 - cultural deposit: secondary refuse
- 13 - cultural deposit: de facto refuse
- 14 - cultural deposit: mixed refuse
- 15 - cultural deposit: recently disturbed
- 19 - cultural deposit: other
- 20 - collapsed structure: not further specified
- 21 - collapsed structure: with de facto refuse
- 22 - collapsed structure: with mixed refuse
- 29 - collapsed structure: other
- 30 - postabandonment deposit: not further specified
- 31 - postabandonment deposit: natural processes
- 39 - postabandonment deposit: other
- 40 - natural deposit: during occupation
- 50 - mixed deposit: not further specified
- 51 - mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
- 52 - mixed deposit: recent disturbance
- 53 - mixed deposit: sampling column
- 59 - mixed deposit: other
- 70 - construction deposit: not further specified
- 71 - construction deposit: refuse fill
- 72 - construction deposit: clean fill
- 73 - construction deposit: rubble fill
- 74 - construction deposit: masonry
- 79 - construction deposit: other
- 90 - noncultural deposit: not further specified
- 91 - noncultural deposit: other
- 97 - not applicable: fill/assemblage type is not applicable
- 98 - indeterminate: fill/assemblage type cannot be determined
- 99 - other deposit: fill/assemblage type is not in this list
Note: Prior to the 1993 field season, item numbers were assigned only on an as-needed basis, when individual sherds received additional analysis. Beginning with the 1993 field season, every rim sherd has been itemized and weighed individually. In some older collections, rims have been retroactively separated from other sherds and given their own line of data in the database. In these cases, the count was changed to 1, and the weight was estimated as the mean weight of all the rims in the original group. Such cases are labeled with "*" in the "Comments" column. Item numbers are also assigned to sherds with basketry impressions. In these cases, a notation has been made in the "Comments" column.
- AGR - Mancos Gray
- ARO - Abajo Red-on-orange
- BMW - Basketmaker Mudware
- BRE - Bluff Black-on-red
- CBW - Chapin Black-on-white
- CGR - Chapin Gray
- CRG - Indeterminate Local Corrugated Gray
- DRE - Deadmans Black-on-red
- EBW - McElmo Black-on-white
- ECR - Early Local Corrugated
- EWU - Early White Unpainted
- GRA - Indeterminate Local Gray
- HBW - Pueblo III White Painted
- IBW - Indeterminate Local White Painted
- IND - Indeterminate Local White Unpainted
- ING - Indeterminate Neckbanded Gray
- INR - Indeterminate Local Red Unpainted
- LBW - Late White Painted
- LWU - Late White Unpainted
- MBW - Mancos Black-on-white
- MGR - Moccasin Gray
- MLG - Mummy Lake Gray
- MRG - Mancos Corrugated Gray
- MSG - Middle San Juan Gray Ware
- MSJ - Middle San Juan White Ware
- NON - Nonlocal Pottery
- OBW - Other White Nonlocal
- OGR - Other Gray Nonlocal
- ORE - Other Red Nonlocal
- PAC - Partial Corrugated
- PBW - Piedra Black-on-white
- PLY - Polychrome
- RBW - Early White Painted
- RED - Indeterminate Local Red Painted
- SJR - San Juan Red Ware
- TBW - Pueblo II White Painted
- TOW - Tsegi Orange Ware
- UNG - Unknown Gray
- UNP - Unknown Pottery
- UNR - Unknown Red
- UNW - Unknown White
- VBW - Mesa Verde Black-on-white
- VRG - Mesa Verde Corrugated Gray
- ZBW - Cortez Black-on-white
Note: Prior to the 1998 field season, no codes existed for canteen, kiva/seed jar, ladle, and mug forms, so they were noted only in the "Comments" column. The current codes for these forms were used in analyses beginning with the 1998 field season.
- B - bowl
- C - canteen
- J - jar
- K - kiva/seed jar
- L - ladle
- M - mug/pitcher
- N - Narrow-mouthed jar
- O - other
- U - unknown
- W - Wide-mouthed jar
Note: Prior to the 1998 field season, handles were coded as "body".
- B - body
- H - handle
- R - rim
Note: Coding of "indeterminate" and "mixed" paint as pottery finishes began with the 1995 field season. Prior to this, all paint on white ware sherds was classified as either "carbon" or "mineral", with mixed paint usually being called "carbon".
- potfinishcode - potfinish
- C - carbon paint
- G - Glaze paint
- I - indeterminate paint
- M - mineral paint
- S - slipped
- U - unslipped
- X - mixed paint
Note: In some older collections (prior to 1993), the weight of individual rims has been estimated as a mean weight of all rims in an original bag. A "*" in the "Comments" column indicates that the weight is estimated. See "Item No.", above, for more information.