Nonstructure 9.2-N, extramural surface

About this Nonstructure

General Location

Canyon rim. Adjacent to, and within, the main drainages of the pueblo;. West of rim complex.

Specific Location

Above Nonstructure 9.1-N in Segment 1 (EU 65).

Selection Criteria

Part of Nonstructure 9-N testing; see Nonstructure 9-N and associated EU for description and explanation of testing strategy.


Ephermal surface in fill that is associated with the construction of a check dam (Feature 2).


Probably abandoned as part of the abandonment of the canyon rim.

Postabandonment Process

Covered with postoccupational alluvial deposits.

Dating of Construction

No pottery or tree-ring date. Based on stratigraphic position, this surface postdates another surface (Nonstructure 9.1-N).

Dating of Remodeling

No evidence of remodeling.

Dating of Abandonment

Thought to have been abandoned when the canyon rim was abandoned, as there are no later cultural deposits above this surface.

Dating of Midden

Not applicable.

Dating of Reuse

No evidence of reuse.

Date Range

4 (A.D. 900–1280)

Site-Wide Dating

Groups to Which This Study Unit was Assigned

See The Archaeology of Woods Canyon Pueblo (specifically the chapters on architecture, chronology, and artifacts) for more information on study unit groupings at Woods Canyon Pueblo.

Type ID Description
area 7 Canyon rim
section R Canyon rim
subperiod 9 Late Pueblo III (A.D. 1225-1280)

Excavation Details for Excavation Units

In order by excavation unit number.

Excavation Unit



Segment 1 N E.
(Roughly 3-x-1 meters)
Located on canyon rim and in the main drainage of the pueblo.
Approximately 25 meters north of cliff edge; adjacent to and north of a check dam wall (F-1) that is visible at modern ground surface and runs perpendicular to the main drainage.

Selection Criteria

Judgmental. Selected to evaluate (1) the construction of a stone alignment, believed to be a check dam, and; (2) the sediment that accumulated behind the alignment.

Excavation Strategy

Strata subdivided into arbitrary levels.

Unit Ends at


Study Unit(s) Identified in this Excavation Unit

Study Unit Type
Study Unit Number
Study Unit Description
extramural surface
extramural surface