Nonstructure 130, extramural surface

Artifact Inventory (Surfaces and Features Only)

  • List of all Artifacts associated with surfaces, feature fills, and feature surfaces (when applicable)
  • Artifacts are listed by surface, feature, and PL number
  • For analysis data for selected Artifact types and contexts, see buttons at right.

PL = point-location number
PD = provenience designation number
FS = field specimen number

Surface 1: Pit: not further specified (Feature 1), fill


Artifact Type

Provenience (PD, FS)

bulk sherds

PD 982, FS 1

flotation sample

PD 982, FS 3

projectile point

PD 982, FS 2


Artifact Type

Provenience (PD, FS)


PD 983, FS 23

bone awl

PD 983, FS 12

bulk sherds

PD 983, FS 5

bulk sherds

PD 983, FS 10

bulk sherds

PD 983, FS 13

bulk sherds, large

PD 983, FS 47

bulk sherds, small

PD 983, FS 44

bulk sherds, small

PD 983, FS 48

chipped stone

PD 983, FS 11

chipped stone

PD 983, FS 29

chipped stone

PD 983, FS 31

chipped stone

PD 983, FS 34

chipped stone

PD 983, FS 38

chipped stone

PD 983, FS 40

chipped stone

PD 983, FS 49


PD 983, FS 27


PD 983, FS 53

egg shell

PD 983, FS 8

egg shell

PD 983, FS 45

gizzard stones

PD 983, FS 30

indeterminate ground stone

PD 983, FS 16

indeterminate ground stone

PD 983, FS 24

indeterminate ground stone

PD 983, FS 50

modified core

PD 983, FS 28

modified core

PD 983, FS 56

modified flake

PD 983, FS 32

modified flake

PD 983, FS 35

modified flake

PD 983, FS 36

modified flake

PD 983, FS 37

modified flake

PD 983, FS 39

modified flake

PD 983, FS 51

modified flake

PD 983, FS 52

modified flake

PD 983, FS 54

modified flake

PD 983, FS 55

nonhuman bone

PD 983, FS 9

nonhuman bone

PD 983, FS 14

nonhuman bone

PD 983, FS 46

other modified stone/mineral

PD 983, FS 19

other modified stone/mineral

PD 983, FS 20

other modified stone/mineral

PD 983, FS 25


PD 983, FS 26

shaped sherd

PD 983, FS 22

slab metate

PD 983, FS 18

two-hand mano

PD 983, FS 17


PD 983, FS 3


PD 983, FS 4


PD 983, FS 15


PD 983, FS 57

PL 13

projectile point

PD 983, FS 7

PL 14

other modified stone/mineral

PD 983, FS 2

PL 15

tree-ring sample

PD 983, FS 1

PL 16


PD 983, FS 6

PL 17

tree-ring sample

PD 983, FS 41

PL 18

tree-ring sample

PD 983, FS 42

PL 19

tree-ring sample

PD 983, FS 43